1. Get info from mother-to-be then let her off the hook.
You’ll need to know: information about her registry, a list of people to invite, addresses for some of those people (don’t make her get every single one, just the ones you aren’t able to get on your own. Facebook is great for this). If you plan on playing games that involve answers to question only she knows, get the answers beforehand. Ask her about her wants and wishes for her shower. Even more importantly, ask her what she doesn’t want or would be uncomfortable with. Keep her informed of some of the details as they are planned out but don’t give her any difficult tasks, she’s already baking a baby!2. Tackle the W questions.
Why – Duh. It’s pretty obvious you love and support this friend or loved one you’re throwing the shower for. She deserves to have others spoil her and her babe and you’re creating the perfect outlet and opportunity for it!
Who – ~Who is hosting? Is anyone hosting with you? If so, delegate! If not, more kudos to you and don’t worry, this is very doable! ~Who is attending? Family, friends, neighbors, coworkers or all of the above? This should’ve been decided already but keep in mind your company as you’re planning activities. Things could get awkward playing the wrong type of games with the wrong group of people! ~Who lives where? You need addresses! Send invitations as early as possible.
Where – If mom-to-be offers, her house is always an option. Otherwise, your living room or a friend’s will work great. One of my favorite showers was a smaller group of us at a restaurant around a table after eating a yummy lunch – simple and intimate.
When – A shower should be planned well before the due date: you don’t want to risk baby showing up early and cancelling or postponing the whole party! It’s also important to have it early enough to give mom a chance to evaluate things she still needs before baby comes. Showers are typically thrown during the third trimester which is a wonderful distraction and something fun for mom-to-be to look forward to!
What –Is there a theme you’re wanting to maintain? Will a full meal be served or just snacks and finger foods? What decorations will be used? Will there be scheduled group activities or will it be more of an open house with subtle events as people come-and-go? What (if any) games will be played? Will you give out party favors? Is this baby joining older siblings? If so consider a diaper shower or a book shower.