8 Checks for the Perfect Gender Reveal

8 Checks for the Perfect Gender Reveal

PC: Brit Morin

Finding out your baby's gender can be one of the most thrilling parts of pregnancy!  Here's a checklist to make planning your big reveal as easy as can be:

A free printable for this banner can be found here

  • Schedule an ultrasound- Most women will find out the gender at their 20 week anatomy scan (though some doctors offer an early gender check as early as 16 weeks and some private companies will do it even sooner). Choose whether you want to find out the gender at the ultrasound or if you want to be surprised right along with your guests. If you want to be surprised, ask your ultrasound tech to write it down and put it in an envelope for you.

  • Choose a theme- This will make everything at your party feel coherent and put together.

  • Choose a reveal type- There are many fun ways to spill the beans about your baby's gender. Find one that you love and you're good to go!  If you going to be finding out the gender along with your guests be sure to recruit someone else to prepare the reveal for you. You can check out our favorite gender reveals here!

  • Set the date/time and invite your guests-  Choose whether you are going to use an electronic invite or if you are going to hand out traditional invitations.  If you are mailing your invitations be sure you have them done in advance.

  • Decide how you want to document it- You'll want to make sure you that you document the moment and the reactions of those in attendance.  Whether you want to video it, photograph it, or both, you'll want to make sure you have specified people to do so or hire a videographer/photographer.

  • Make a menu - Decide whether you want to serve a full meal, just hors d'oeuvres, or desserts only.

  • Get decorations- Make sure they fit with your theme and are gender neutral.

  • Plan any games/activities you want to do- Games and activities can be a fun way to get your guests involved.  You may want to do games with the entire group or just have activities set up that people can do while they mingle.  You may also want to get prizes for the winners.

Happy partying!


Written by: Natalie Gubler

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