Entertainment & A Full Monitoring System? DockAtot's Toy Bar & CloudTot

Entertainment & A Full Monitoring System? DockAtot's Toy Bar & CloudTot

If you're looking for something truly unique to entertain & monitor your child throughout the day, night, and years to come then it has ARRIVED at this years' 2016 ABC Kids Expo. You already know all about the DockAtot, but now you need to learn about their Toy Bar AND the newest and coolest addition, DockAtot's CloudTot!

The DockAtot Toy Bar Accessory

The DockAtot Toy Bar when used in conjunction with the DockAtot Toy Set is the perfect accessory for your new Deluxe DockAtot. Your new 2017 Docks will come with attachments to place the toy bar inside, but you unfortunately will not be able to attach them to your current Dock. BUT, they will begin shipping soon!! :) Check out our Facebook Live video below for all of the fun items!


Now, on to that AMAZING CloudTot!

The CloudTot is the perfect option for parents who want a full-service sleep monitoring system. This baby is truly going to be your new best friend. First off, it alerts you and gently nudges your baby using its patent pending Pep Pegs if your child has not moved for more than 12 seconds. Next, it alerts you if it senses any wetness in the bed! If you know any experienced moms you know that they have at least one story of finding their little one in the middle of the night or in the morning just covered in urine. Either the diaper slipped down while they were wiggling around all night, or they forgot to put on a diaper (we're sleep deprived!), or some other unfortunate mishap occurred. That's why the CloudTot's ability to alert you to wetness is amazing! Say goodbye to late night baths and mom guilt - you'll be able to clean them up right away and get them back to sleeping peacefully. DockAtot's CloudTot also features a "Baby DJ system." This means that while your little one is nestled in their Dock, they can listen to an abundance of white noise, music, and other pre-recorded sounds to rock them to sleep. How lovely is that? All of these features and alerts are sent to you via your smart device. Apps are available for both Apple iOS as well as Android operating systems. Plus, the app allows you to record any stats on baby that may be pertinent to their health - vaccines, diapers, feedings, and even a photo album! The DockAtot CloudTot is truly an all in one monitoring system for baby. Check out our pictures from the unveiling at the ABC Kids Expo below!  
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