The Small Moments are the Most Important Moments

The Small Moments are the Most Important Moments

In our Baby Cubby registry gift boxes we always include a cute little saying that goes like this: "The days are long, but the years are short".  This is actually something I've been reflecting on a lot lately.  Looking back over the course of the past year, it may have seemed long in the moment, but with hindsight it seems that so much has changed so quickly. The same is especially true for children.  Parenting often means early mornings and long, late nights without downtime to sit and relax.  These days often seem long, but when you look back it seems that your children have grown so quickly.  Remember the day they first learned to walk?  Of course you do.  Remember those nights when your 6 month old first started to babble and you laid awake listening to them even though you had to be up at 6 a.m.?  Of course you do. So how do you make these small moments last?  The best way I've found is to record those moments in pictures or videos.  Sure, Facebook and Instagram is a great way to keep all your memories recorded, but if you want an even cuter alternative, I have a few... :)

Lucy Darling

Lucy Darling

Lucy Darling is a brand we carry here at The Baby Cubby, and they have a ton of cute products.  Monthly stickers for pictures, artwork for the nursery, closet dividers, and MEMORY BOOKS!  These adorable memory books have places for pictures, comments, letters, etc.  Both books have the same content, one's decor is just geared more toward boys and the other more toward girls.  My favorite thing about these books is that they include things that I would never have thought of!  For example, they ask what the price of gas is the day the baby was born, who was president, what the #1 song on the charts is, etc.  


Photo cred:

Chatbooks is a great if you're wanting a clean and professional way to keep all your photos.  For just $8.00 you can create a 6" x 6" 60 page booklet of your pictures with captions.  These books come in both soft and hardbound covers.

Grandma's Brag Books

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Grandma's Brag Books are really big on Etsy right now.  You know how you go over to Grandma's house all she can do is brag about her grandkids?  Well, with these books she won't even have to do the talking!  Give her some brag-fuel with these books full of cute pictures of her grandkids.  She'll love it! So just remember, when you are on the phone and your 5-year-old is driving you crazy trying to get some attention - they'll only be little for so long.  Give them your time and hold onto those small moments because the small moments really are the most important moments. #itsabeautifullife

'Till next time!

♥ Alexa

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[…] Aaaand the memory book.  Totes adorbs.  Keep track of all the big events in their little lives!  If you want to know more about these memory books, check out a blog post I wrote a couple weeks ago called “The Small Moments are the Most Important Moments“. […]

Introducing All Things Darling with Lucy Darling

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