Board Games
Growing up my mom always told us this was a Dutch tradition (who really knows though ;) ). She would purchase a new board game for each of us and give it to us at about 4 or 5pm. Why so early? 1. It started the festivities SUPER early for us kids. 2. Quiet time anyone? For reals. Anyway, we would be SO excited about an extra present that we would scurry off and go play our 4 new board games to our hearts content. Needless to say, but the time dinner happened (which I'm sure was full of us begging to go back to playing our games) and then 8 or 9pm eventually hit, we were ready for bed!Decorating
Let the kids help you decorate your home for the party! This helps them get their creative juices flowing (which coincidentally uses up a lot of brain power) AND lets them feel involved. Double win. Some great ideas that one of our Cubby Mom's did with her kids was have them paint balloons with gold metallic paint! Super fun and super easy - probably just for the older kids though ;)
If you're like any of the other 2.0000000.33333.00000 bajillion people in the world you probably have Netflix (because it's the greatest creation since sliced bread, amiright?!). Anyway, did you know that they are streaming an early countdown for kids this year?? How awesome is that?? All you need to do is change the clocks in your home for a couple hours ahead (assuming your kids can tell time). Then, whenever you're ready to do the countdown with them go ahead and start the streaming! They will get a kick out of being apart of the countdown - then you and your hubby or friends can party on all night long without the fear of grumpy children! Or you know, go to bed early. Because when you're a parent, that IS the equivalent of partying.