4moms Connect High Chair

Video: 4moms Connect High Chair REVIEW and Demo

Some of my best memories as a child revolve around mealtimes! Whether it was a family barbecue or just a simple Sunday night dinner, eating together was always an important time to gather together and talk with one another. I absolutely love that my mom instilled the importance of family mealtime, even though it must've been difficulty when we all had different schedules. As a parent of two little ones now, we strive to do the same. But babies and toddlers can make mealtime a little less enjoyable for us moms with the excessive messiness and picky eating. I've found that a good high chair truly does make a big difference. 

The 4moms Connect high chair is one of the best options on the market. Us moms need something easy to clean and easy to use. The 4moms Connect has an easy to remove tray, with a unique magnetic connection that can be placed on and taken off with just one hand. The sleek and simple design makes it a breeze to clean, while also not being a big eyesore like many of the other high chairs on the market. The 4moms connect also reclines to safely accommodate newborns, and can be adjusted to varying heights, making this high chair the perfect addition to any dining table. Check out all these incredible features in our full review and video demo!


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