When my daughter was young, she enjoyed playing outside and going for walks. As she grew older, she was not as content remaining in her stroller, so we bought her a simple trike. We quickly learned that for her young age, letting her ride her trike on our family walks was not going to work. We needed something that we could push, as she still needed some guidance and help. For those looking for a trike for their little one, the Doona Liki is both innovative and stylish.
From 10 months to 3 years, the Liki allows kiddos to observe and explore the world around them with a trike that will grow with them and go with them. The Liki trike folds to a compact size, allowing you to take it with you on every adventure, near or far.
The new limited edition Doona Liki trike in gold is not only stylish, but comes with many unique features. Beautiful gold accents can be found on the canopy, wheels, and extendable push bar, with sleek black faux leather handlebars. For babies through toddlers, the Liki can be altered to fit your child’s needs. Infants can sit and enjoy the ride by placing their feet on the provided footrest. As they grow, you can attach the pedals to the wheel so they can ride like a traditional trike. The Liki trike comes with a multi-position backrest, UPF 50 canopy, storage bag, pedal straps, cup holder and armrest.
If you’re looking for a new trike for your little one, the limited edition gold Doona Liki is the elegant yet modern choice for all the adventures you and your little one will go on together.
To view the Doona Liki in action, check out our video here:
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